Parc Department began as a recording project in the summer of 2020, when songwriter Colin Morris challenged himself to produce an EP in three days. He released Parc Department's self-titled debut in August.

The EP features a lush blend of electronic and analog instrumentation, and often earns enthusiastic praise from fans of Tycho, Boards of Canada, Röyksopp, Bibio, M83, The Album Leaf, Tame Impala, and MUTEMATH.

A follow-up, Sabbatical, gained new textures and influences from collaboration with Joshua Wentz (Silvergirl, Jessica Risker, Brash Flair), a Chicago-based recording artist and the founder of the Sidedown Audio record label.

Parc Department enlisted drummer Aaron Fuleki (Seeming) and guitarist Adam Tornheim for live shows and a full-length follow-up in 2022.